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ROHDE & SCHWARZ 罗德与施瓦茨公司(R&S公司)是来自德国的国际性专业量测设备制造厂商,在无线通讯量测、广播发射系统、无线电通讯监测/定位、任务型通讯设备系统及设备校验等领域拥有领导级地位。

1933年成立的ROHDE & SCHWARZ 罗德与施瓦茨公司(R&S公司) ,七十多年来,在测试与测量、信息技术和通信领域,一直雄踞技术前沿。是欧洲最大的电子测量仪器生产厂商和专业无线通信、广播、信息技术安全技术的领导厂商,以创新、精确和品质享誉世界。

ROHDE & SCHWARZ 罗德与施瓦茨公司(R&S公司)的业务遍及全球70多个国家。ROHDE & SCHWARZ 罗德与施瓦茨公司(R&S公司)总部位于德国,在美国、中国、日本、新加坡、巴西和阿布扎比(阿联酋)都设有地区支持中心。而且,ROHDE & SCHWARZ 罗德与施瓦茨公司(R&S公司)在每一个重要市场上都设立了服务中心,因此,无论您在任何地方,都能够获得ROHDE & SCHWARZ 罗德与施瓦茨公司(R&S公司)的技术支持。

ROHDE & SCHWARZ 罗德与施瓦茨公司(R&S公司)在涉足的所有业务领域内都位居技术前列。公司的许多产品不仅质量优异,而且性能独特。ROHDE & SCHWARZ 罗德与施瓦茨公司(R&S公司)的设备和系统在研究、开发、生产和服务方面创建了全球通行的标准。

ROHDE & SCHWARZ 罗德与施瓦茨公司(R&S公司)的产品在移动通信、无线电行业、广播、军事和ATC通信以及其它许多应用领域都发挥了重要的作用。

ROHDE & SCHWARZ 罗德与施瓦茨公司(R&S公司)的质量和环境管理体系获得了DIN EN ISO9001和14001的认证,并且符合AQAP110和150标准。还获准进行航空电子通信设备的开发、生产、安装和检修。同时,也是德国政府批准的进行无线电发射机系统验收试验的首家发射机生产商。

For more than 80 years, Rohde & Schwarz has stood for quality, precision and innovation in all fields of wireless communications. The group relies on its expertise based on 20 years of experience in IT and network security. All Rohde & Schwarz development, sales and service activities focus on the customer.

The company offers a complete test and measurement portfolio for the wireless market. Rohde & Schwarz solutions are used worldwide by leading companies in the wireless communications and mobile network testing market segments. The group also offers T&M equipment tailored to the automotive industry, the aerospace and defense market, all sectors of industrial electronics and research and education. In broadcast and media, Rohde & Schwarz addresses network operators, consumer electronics manufacturers and content providers. The group ranks among the world market leaders in both T&M and broadcasting equipment.

Rohde & Schwarz actively promotes IT and network security. With its cybersecurity solutions, the group protects industry and government authorities against cyberattacks and espionage. Communications and security solutions from Rohde & Schwarz are also used for critical infrastructures. The company additionally offers reconnaissance equipment for homeland and external security as well as communications and reconnaissance equipment for the armed forces.

The Executive Board is made up of Christian Leicher (Chairman) and Peter Riedel. As an independent, privately owned company, Rohde & Schwarz generates its growth from its own resources. Since the company does not have to think in quarters, it can plan for the long term. On June 30, 2016, Rohde & Schwarz had approximately 10,000 employees, about 6000 of whom work in Germany. The group achieved a net revenue of EUR 1.92 billion in the 2015/2016 fiscal year (July to June).

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